Exclusive Preview: Napa 2021 Vintage Report Now Available on Decanter Premium

By | 26 August 2024

For the Napa 2021 Vintage Report, Decanter Premium readers will receive unparalleled in-depth coverage from our experienced Napa Valley correspondent.

In addition to accessing the full vintage report from the September print issue of Decanter, Premium readers will receive special appellation reports from 11 of Napa’s top Cabernet-producing sub-AVAs, highlighting the vintage conditions and best-performing wines in each.

The reports will be posted to Premium throughout September and announced in our US newsletter each week. (You can subscribe to the newsletter here.)

The full suite of Napa coverage includes score charts of the top 100 wines of the vintage, a special report on the top-value 2021 Cabernets, and access to all 500+ scores and reviews.

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Decanter is offering a special Premium promotion in recognition of this significant report with a discount on subscriptions; readers can access 20% off with the code NAPA21 when they sign up for Premium here.

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While the 2023 vintage is described in Napa as the ‘vintage of a lifetime,’ the wines currently in the market are from 2021, a classic in its own right.

After the destructive wildfires of 2020, the 2021 vintage emerged as a beacon of hope and a cooler year in the valley. As summarized by the Napa Valley Vintners, the 2021 growing season can be encapsulated in the phrase: ‘The joy is back.’

The winter and spring of 2021 saw scant rainfall, yet the summer nights stayed cool. Daytime temperatures remained consistent without any sudden spikes, facilitating smooth ripening and flavor development.

The grapes harvested were small but rich in flavor due to the drought conditions, leading to lower yields. According to Cristaldi, the wines produced, especially the Cabernet Sauvignons with their mineral, woodland, and spice notes, were exceptional.

In a conversation with Cristaldi at his residence north of San Francisco Bay, his enthusiasm for the 2021 Cabernets was palpable.

‘I’m stuffing as many 2021s in my personal cellar as I can make room for, even after tasting well over 500 Cabernets,’ Cristaldi said.

‘What’s most exciting about the 2021 Napa Cabernets is the real consistency in style across the board. They are super savory and have taken beautifully to a host of oak-aging regimens. They show bright fruit with dried herb aromatics shining through on the nose and ultra-fine tannins balanced by a depth of fruit on the palate.’

‘Thinking about the 2021 Napa Cabernets in the context of the last few vintages, you’d be hard-pressed to find bottles that aren’t fabulous at the pull of the cork,’ he added.

‘Those who produced the 2020 Cabernets were well aware of the challenges presented by the growing season. This is evident from the distinct angular tannins and darker hues in the wines, a result of more extensive oak usage.

‘In contrast, the 2021 vintage saw a reduction in crop size, resulting in a higher skin-to-pulp ratio compared to the years 2019 or 2018. Winemakers have also been more restrained in their use of oak, which has allowed these wines to possess sufficient fruit depth and tannin structure for aging while maintaining a lighter profile.

‘The 2021 vintage wines resemble a blend of characteristics from multiple years: they have the structure reminiscent of 2013, the vibrancy of 2016, and the profound, dark-fruit qualities of 2019, yet they remain remarkably savoury.’

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