Monthly Archives: March 2024

China Officially Lifts Punitive Tariffs on Australian Wine

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced that the 218% tariffs imposed by China on Australian wine will be lifted on Friday, March 29. “This is a welcome development, particularly for the Australian wine industry,” commented the Australian government in their statement. “Allowing Australian bottled wine back into the Chinese market will not only benefit… Read More »

Exploring Madiran: The Uncut Diamond of France’s Wine Regions

A rewarding panel tasting of the best examples of this famously rugged and powerful red wine. By Andrew Jefford The Tannat-based red wines of Madiran in Gascon South West France are famous for their high tannin and acidity. But is their rugged structure a key part of their charm or a barrier to fine-wine status?… Read More »

Embarking on an Adventure in Alsace: Exploring Domaine Weinbach (Part 1)

Website: Weinbach Weinbach is a renowned name in Alsace, marking my second visit to this location. This visit occurred with Eddy Leiber-Faller, who manages the domaine in association with his brother Théo and their mother, Catherine Faller. Weinbach offers an impressive sight of the Schlossberg Grand Cru, the site where a significant portion of their… Read More »

Exploring the Influence of Wine in Li Bai’s Historic Poetry

Stuart Walton discusses the insightful wine-related poetry of an eighth-century Chinese poet who appreciated the virtue of solitary drinking. By Stuart Walton Studying the works of the eighth-century Tang poet Li Bai, we come to understand that solitary wine-drinking can carry profound significance, rather than the derogatory and pitiful image it often conjures in the… Read More »